
Biggest Idiot On A Ladder? It’s A Tough Competition Every Year……..

……..But Somebody Manages To Win!

“Biggest Idiot On A Ladder 2014 Announced!

Once again the Ladder Association has looked through the many thousands of photographs sent in during the past year of the ludicrous way in which people use ladders.

This year, the winner of their annual “Biggest Idiot On A Ladder” prize is awarded to two men who can’t be bothered to rent scaffolding to repair a chimney.SuperSkills provides Health & Safety training and testing for CSCS Cards

Look at the picture and try to count the number of incorrect choices they made along the way.

As Charlie Mullins, the owner of Pimlico Plumbers likes to say “It’s just common sense – the only problem is, it ain’t that common!